"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas.
I'm frightened of the old ones."
- John Cage

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 | Permalink

Over the holidays I began some work on a new framework. I'm building it around DX11; however, I'm still making it reasonably platform independent and I plan to put OpenGL 3.0 and Linux support in there at some point too. So far I haven't done much, but at least I have a window and DX11 device up and running. Yay!

There are a few changes I'm making to the overall structure of the code. One is of course to separate the rendering context from the device in order to be able to take advantage of DX11 deferred contexts, AFA command buffers. Another change I'm making is to try to resolve more stuff on link time rather than at runtime. In previous frameworks I've had base classes with virtual functions that subclasses implemented. For instance D3D10Renderer and OpenGLRenderer inheriting from Renderer. However, since I'm always using one or the other and never both in the same app it adds unnecessary overhead. Not that this overhead was ever a problem, but it just feels better to do it right. So instead I'll create a common interface, and just add the right implementation to each project.

Another change is that I'll use a better coding style. As a self-learned coder I've been using many odd coding practices throughout the years. Slowly I've adapted to common industry conventions, but Framework3 was still based on a lot of old coding style preferences which I never bothered to change, because I'd rather be consistent than mix conventions. With the clean break with Framework4 I'll now be using "m_" on member variables and "{" will be on its own line etc.

[ 11 comments | Last comment by acid (2012-12-18 15:36:19) ]