"Not since government devoted itself to race biology have such an extreme ideology been deemed clean. But now the racism has returned. Back then niggers were stupid, vagrants were dirty, gypsies were thieves and jews were greedy. Now it is men that are guilty. Only by being men."
- Johan Hakelius, Aftonbladet
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Just Cause 2 is DX10 only
Friday, February 26, 2010 | Permalink

Recently the min spec for Just Cause 2 was published and there has been quite a lot of attention to the fact that the game does not support Windows XP, which is simply due to the fact that it's a DX10 exclusive. The reaction has been everything from "awesome" to "stupid", depending on how you see it. Certainly it's a quite bold move given that not everyone has moved over to Vista/Win 7 yet. On the other hand, if you want something that's not just a simple console port, this is clearly the way to go. Going DX10 simply allowed us to a make a better game.

Anyway, I have seen some opinions of the sort "way to cut your potential customer base in half", often quoting the most recent Steam survey, which I wanted to address. If you look at the Steam survey more closely you'll see that it's not quite as bad. Currently 49% have DX10 systems. That doesn't mean a DX9 version would have brought the other 51% on-board. In the bottom end we have people on DX8 and earlier (5.66%). If there would be a DX9 version then for sure it would require at the very least shader model 3.0, so that cuts all 2.0 cards (3.84%). The Steam survey for some reason puts 2.0b and 3.0 in the same category, so some fraction of those would not be able to run the game either. So let's say that about 15% maybe in the bottom end would not be able to run the game anyway. So that makes it more like 49 percentage points vs. 36. So the cuts about 40% of the market. However, those numbers are still January numbers, and the trend with people migrating to Windows 7 is strong, so interpolate two months and another 4 percentage points will have moved up from Xp by the time the game is released. Another thing to consider is that people wanting to buy JC2 probably tend to be more likely to have made the switch to DX10 system anyway. Then there's of course all those people who will buy the game because it's a DX10 exclusive who might not have bought the game otherwise. Whether it all plays out favorable in the end will be interesting to see, but my gut feeling is that a great experience for a smaller audience is better than a medicore experience for the masses.

In related news, the demo will be available on March 4 for all platforms.



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Thursday, March 4, 2010

@Zlatan: the simple truth is that CUDA is the only one really available at the moment, openCL is on the way, but so far it's not generally out there to be used, save for some dev systems, at least until recently.
DirectCompute on the other hand is DX11 so its not that much available in the general public at the moment, it's also not that independent.
So basically CUDA is the only useful one out there at the moment, sure, Radeon fans loose out, but at least that's not as many as all the other options.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

There is no problem on the fact of DirectCompute being only available on DX11.

You can use D3D11 with D3D10 and D3D9 hardware using the feature levels.
This guarantees that you case use DirectCompute on D3D10 hardware too, though with a small set of features when compared to D3D11 hardware.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The features are Cuda because they were provided by Nvidia.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Amongst the controversy that has to exist with anything these days... Congrats on the product! I'm downloading on ps3 and pc for comparison. I always like console, to see how devs pack code into a relatively "dated" system.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Amongst the controversy that has to exist with anything these days... Congrats on the product! I'm downloading on ps3 and pc for comparison. I always like console, to see how devs pack code into a relatively "dated" system.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Amongst the controversy that has to exist with anything these days... Congrats on the product! I'm downloading on ps3 and pc for comparison. I always like console, to see how devs pack code into a relatively "dated" system.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Is there a write up somewhere about the technologies used in Just cause 2? (eg. the SSAO or the bokeh effect?)
Assuming it is deferred rendered?

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's not a deferred renderer. All the dirty details will be in my article in GPU Pro.


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