"The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."
- George Carlin
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Thursday, December 4, 2003 | Permalink

This page have now had its 200,000th visitor.

[ 2 comments | Last comment by davepermen (2003-12-05 00:33:27) ]

Friday, November 28, 2003 | Permalink

Finally, my price from the Beyond3D/ATI shader competition has arrived. A new shiny Radeon 9800pro.
Not an extremely large upgrade from a Radeon 9700pro, but a 10-15% speedup in pretty much everything never hurts.

[ 2 comments | Last comment by fazh (2003-11-28 15:01:59) ]

Water demo updated
Friday, November 28, 2003 | Permalink

The water demo has been updated to allow the user to create waves with the mouse, and an option to turn the auto-dripping off.

[ 15 comments | Last comment by Daedalus (2003-12-14 04:32:17) ]

Gettin old
Wednesday, November 26, 2003 | Permalink

Well, so I turned 24 yesterday. Better start planing my retirement.

[ 4 comments | Last comment by G!ZMo (2003-11-27 18:35:31) ]

New demo
Thursday, November 20, 2003 | Permalink

A new demo arrives. Some cool water action.

The framework has seen some major changes under the surface too. I have added a console, which can be opened with the tab key by default. The console can't do a whole lot right now though, but you can at least set and get the viewer position and angles, and set the speed. I'll get more functionality into it. I've also brought the OpenGL side of things up to date, except I haven't implemented render targets in OpenGL yet. Hoping to see the famous über_buffers arrive soon.

[ 8 comments | Last comment by Brad (2010-02-21 02:20:52) ]

Beyond3D/ATI shader competition
Wednesday, November 5, 2003 | Permalink

The Beyond3D/ATI shader competition has finally presented its winners. My contribution (a roller coaster demo) got a runner up position, which means I'll get to replace my 9700 with a 9800 in the not too distant future.

My demo is now available on the 3D page.

[ 8 comments | Last comment by davepermen (2003-11-16 01:40:08) ]

Server up again
Wednesday, November 5, 2003 | Permalink

The server is up again after some downtime. No idea why it went down, but it sure ran fine for a long time, closing in on a full year uptime. Linux sure is a stable OS.

[ 2 comments | Last comment by Humus (2003-11-07 00:40:43) ]

Monday, November 3, 2003 | Permalink

The ShaderX II book is making its way out to the stores now. Got my personal copies not too long ago. Lots of cool stuff in there. Haven't had to time to read much of it yet, but I sure will when I get more time. Be sure to get yourself a copy. And don't forget to read my articles.

Well, the ShaderX 2 project hardly finished before the ShaderX 3 project was started. Can't promise anything yet, but I'm considering contributing there too.

[ 2 comments | Last comment by Humus (2003-11-05 19:58:59) ]

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