"The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax."
- Albert Einstein
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New cubemaps
Monday, February 26, 2007 | Permalink

I've added another couple of cubemaps. I've also included a new link on the on the texture page to the cubemap viewer application, which I've btw updated to be more compatible with older cards and added a zoom function to (using the mouse wheel).

[ 10 comments | Last comment by Fakharuddin (2019-11-15 12:42:58) ]

New demo
Sunday, February 4, 2007 | Permalink

I've added a new piece of eye-candy to the demos. This time it's an automatically generated domino track. It saves you all the time it takes to buid a domino track. Just lean back and enjoy the show.

[ 13 comments | Last comment by tommyg (2007-12-22 22:16:24) ]

New cubemaps
Sunday, January 28, 2007 | Permalink

I've uploaded no less than 9 new high resolution cubemaps. They are available in the texture section.

Update: I've added a cubemap of the earth that oc2k1 contributed.

[ 4 comments | Last comment by Questor (2007-02-24 03:39:22) ]

New gallery
Thursday, January 25, 2007 | Permalink

I spent 5 weeks in Sweden over the holidays and good chunk of January. This of course resulted in a lot of pictures. So here's another gallery to my collection.

[ 2 comments | Last comment by minoporn (2007-06-22 00:24:06) ]

Fending off spammers
Sunday, January 21, 2007 | Permalink

If you visited this site this morning or yesterday night and found that you was redirected to another site, please do a virus scan on your system.

Apparently a spammer was able to squeeze in a javascript into his name tag in the comments. Unfortunately, I didn't have the security check for the name field as I have for the comment field. Thus the script was included in the regular html code, causing all visitors to the main page to get redirected to the spammer's site. As I got redirected this morning my antivirus program immediately alerted me as I arrived at the spammer's place and it tried to plant a virus on my machine. For those of you that don't have a antivirus program or don't have it configured to continuously guard your files, you probably got infected if you went there.

I have now fixed the security hole and as a further step to fend of spammers you'll now have to enter a code when you comment. This should be very quick and not be a problem for regular posters and hopefully block most spam bots.

[ 8 comments | Last comment by SqR00T (2007-02-05 12:10:49) ]

New ambient aperture lighting demo
Sunday, December 3, 2006 | Permalink

I have a new ambient aperture lighting demo. Grab it while it's hot!

[ 20 comments | Last comment by Robosport (2007-01-15 23:41:47) ]

Two new cubemaps
Wednesday, November 8, 2006 | Permalink

I've added two new cubemaps to the texture collection.

[ 4 comments | Last comment by camper (2021-10-15 18:50:32) ]

New textures section
Sunday, October 29, 2006 | Permalink

Recently I've renewed my interest in photography, in particular after upgrading to a new digital camera. One of the things I've played with a lot is creating cubemaps from photos, something you've been able to see in my last couple of galleries. The versions I've uploaded there are only small resolution though intended for interactive viewing on the web. The source cubemaps I've rendered out on my computer are typically much higher resolution than that though. Also, for the galleries I've primarily selected cubemaps that are interesting in the context of the gallery, but there are a whole bunch of other cubemaps I've made that hasn't made it into a gallery. Since there are very few good cubemap resources on the web (at least I'm not aware of too many, and the ones I know have only computer generated environments), I thought I should do that.

I've added a new Textures section to this site, and you can see the link in the menu on the left. I've uploaded 7 cubemaps so far and they are all high resolution ( 2048x2048 ).

[ 12 comments | Last comment by Petr (2006-12-15 02:45:37) ]

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